Congo Tetra: All You Require To Know

Congo Tetra

The Congo tetra (logical name: “Phenakogrammus interruptus”) is quite possibly the most appealing tetras you can keep locally aquarium, maybe the most fantastic fish in the characin family. They are found in the areas of the Congo River in Africa. This is the place where these tetras got their name from “Congo Tetra“. 

Congo tetras are neglected in their adolescents since they don’t yet have a grown-up tinge. These tetras are incredibly lovely when they are completely developed with glowing rainbow tones all through their bodies and long, feather-like dorsal, butt-centric, and tail blades. 

One uplifting news for aquarists is that the species is recorded as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List as a result of its enormous populace and no major inescapable dangers. 

Of all the bright tetra fish, the Congo tetra is the most dazzling and wonderful fish that sparkles every one of the shades of the rainbow, and as opposed to being huge, it’s anything but a full-bodied tetra shape. 


Beginning/Distribution and Habitat 

You can figure the beginning of this tetra from its name; The Congo tetra is from the Characin family starting from spaces of the Congo River bowl in Africa. The fish was not found until 1949 and was imported as aquarium fish solely after 1960. 

They are found in streams, sluggish pools, bogs, and feeders that contain marginally acidic and dinky waters. These environments have plants, scarcely any stones, a profound substrate, and no branches or woods. 

Congo tetras are tutoring fish; They move in a gathering and feed on creepy crawlies, worms, plant matter, green growth, scavengers, and other zooplankton. 

For quite a long time, hostage raisers have attempted to raise the Congo Tetra to be one of its sorts, however with blended outcomes. With each fruitful reproduction, the aquarist saw that the excellence of the fish is diminishing in progressive ages. Notwithstanding, during the 1970s, a rearing office in Florida culminated in a reproducing line. Furthermore, presently, the Congo tetra you find in the pet store is of this strain. 

In imprisonment, the Congo Tetra ought to be kept in its very own gathering kind. 

To keep up with the great soundness of Congo Tetras, you should furnish them with abundant space. A 40-gallon aquarium is ideal for a gathering of 20 Congo tetras. 

Albeit the Congo Tetra can adjust to a wide scope of water boundaries, keeping up with aquarium water conditions is fundamental, else they will lose their delightful shading. 

Among tetras, the Congo tetra is more costly and might be promptly accessible. 


The Congo Tetra has an unmistakable gleaming tetra-formed body with gigantic scopes. At the point when the Congo Tetra develops, the brilliant shading runs from front to back, beginning with blue at the top, red in the center, yellow gold, and blue in the gut. The stunning brilliant iridescence makes this fish unique among different types of tetra fish. For the beginner who searches the finance-related information then goes on Financeninsurance. 

The Congo tetra is bigger than most sorts of tetra fish, with guys coming to up to 3.0 inches (8.5 cm), while females are up to 2.75 inches (6 cm). The male is bigger and has stretched tail blade and dorsal balance. The prolonged dorsal and tail balances form into a prettiest tarnish purple balance member with white edges as the fish develops. 

In the regular natural surroundings, the Congo tetra can satisfy 7 years, however, in imprisonment, their normal life expectancy is about 4.5 years. 


Congo Tetra Fish Care 

Congo Tetras are best kept by aquarists with some involvement with the leisure activity of fishing. In the event that you truly need to keep the Congo Tetra, the main thing you need to think about focusing on these fish. 

Congo tetras are decently tough fish and are not so hard to really focus on in the event that you keep up with the water boundaries of the aquarium. These tetras are marginally touchy to water quality. As the water quality decreases, their shading and markings bit by bit disappear.